Green ICT
Green Portal Server on Modular Solar System
May 31, 2013
Server services have always been important elements in today's ICT system implementation. Running a server system in the remote rural area is extremely challenging as the provision of power for the server determines the feasibility and overall cost of implementation. Due to the unique need scenario, we have managed to design and put portal server system to run on small scale renewable energy source such as modular solar power system.
Portable Smart Device Charger
December 31, 2007
Computing has moved into the smart mobile era where charging the smart devices is mandatory in day-to-day operation. The adoption of smart devices in rural applications has created a need to charge those devices frequently on a daily basis. Using the current power supply model in the rural to do frequent and top up charging can be a great waste of energy. Hence, we are working with an industry collaborator to further improve their charger product to meet our charging expectation.
ICT Equipment Operating Scheduler
December 31, 2009
The limited power supply sources in the rural area have imposed a very strict energy usage to the deployed equipment. Operation scheduling is a feature only available on expensive high-end equipment, hence we have been collaborating with the selected equipment manufacturer to introduce timing scheduling to the current solar power supply system.
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