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rural wireless access, rural technology, malaysia rural access, improve life, rural development, technology innovation, remote area, tourism solution, long range wireless access, rural development research

Our Technology 



Since 2008, alongside with involvement in various rural community and technology implementation projects, our team has created various technology to meet the challenging needs in the rural areas. Our innovations aim to design technology that is practical and sustainable in the rural context. 

Wireless Connectivity


Moving away from providing broadband to providing connectivity, we believe being able to get connected is the first step in bridging the digital divide. It is the hardest step in an environment that has no basic supporting infrastructure such as utility power.

Green ICT 


Technology implementation in remote rural areas, we have no choice but to ensure all ICT equipment is extremely "green" as the power supply is so precious. Unfortunately, green ICT equipment designed for the urban isn't green enough for the rural applications hence we have to produce our own.   

Telecentre Innovations


Telecentre used to provide technical training to improve computer literacy, but more importantly, the technology should serve its purposes to improve quality of life for those who adopted it. We have been looking into new Telecentre innovations that focus on its purposes.

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